Joshua Mundinger

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GRFP Advice


Requests for Recommendation Letters

Please give me as much notice as possible. At least a month is reasonable. If you give me too little notice, your letter will necessarily be rushed, which does no one any good. Sending me your support materials a week before the deadline is not a good idea.

General Requirements

I need to know:

  1. who you are;
  2. why you need a letter;
  3. a good impression of your abilities.

Concerning 3: if you are an undergraduate asking me for a letter because you were in a class of mine, then usually I can write a strong letter only if you got an AB or higher. Anyone with a grade below B in my class should seek another letter writer.

When requesting a letter, send to me:

  1. current CV
  2. submission materials: completed REU application, statement of purpose for graduate programs, etc.
  3. who are your other letter writers, and whether there are particular aspects I could or should focus on
  4. if you have taken classes from me: what semester, what class, and what grade you got, for every class.

For College or Graduate School Applications, Summer or Study Abroad Programs, or Scholarships, also send:

  1. A typed list of where you are applying, each one on a separate line. Indicate on each line when my deadline is (note: some graduate school fellowships have different deadlines for applicants and for letter writers) and whether my letter should be submitted online or by mail. Make this typed list easy to read.
  2. For anything except a college or graduate school application, give me the address of a webpage about the program or scholarship.
  3. WAIVE your right to see my letter if there is a place to do so in the application. (For undergraduate and graduate programs, this option is always there and I will look for it.)

These instructions are borrowed from Ravi Vakil and Keith Conrad.